Clover Town Council Meeting Summary: January 13, 2025

The Clover Town Council convened on January 13, 2025, for its regular meeting. Below are the key discussions, decisions, and highlights from the session.


  • The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance and an opening prayer, followed by confirmation of compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.
  • There were no public addresses at the start of the meeting.

Notable Highlights and Resolutions

  1. Formation of the Veterans Committee:
    • The council officially established a Veterans Committee for the town of Clover. This milestone was celebrated with the recognition of committee leaders, including the chair, vice-chair, and treasurer. Their first meeting is scheduled for February.
  2. Approval of Minutes:
    • Minutes from the December 9, 2024, meeting were reviewed and approved without discussion.
  3. Resolution 205-01: Alcohol Policy:
    • A resolution was passed to authorize the sale and consumption of alcohol on town-owned property and at Clover-sponsored events. This streamlined previous case-by-case authorizations and will be adjusted as necessary for future events.
  4. Lobbyist Agreement with Parker Poe Consulting:
    • The council approved renewing the town’s contract with Parker Poe Consulting for $3,000 per month, citing the success of their partnership since April 2023.
  5. Glenn Street Parking Lot Project:
    • A $17,982.38 change order with AT&T for burying utility lines was approved. This step is part of a broader effort to improve the Glenn Street area.
  6. Antenna Mounting for AMA Water Project:
    • The council approved $51,400 for installing an antenna at Griggs Road Elementary School as part of the AMA Water Project. This decision avoided constructing a new tower, saving significant costs.
  7. Vehicle Purchase for Town Administrator:
    • A $39,930 vehicle purchase from Fred Caldwell Chevrolet for the town administrator was approved. The council opted to sell the previous vehicle on GovDeals to streamline the process.
  8. Second Quarter Budget Report:
    • Highlights included strong interest revenue from unspent funds on a sewer pipeline project and unexpected income from selling a recycling truck for $45,000—$35,000 over the anticipated amount.

Administrative Updates

  • The Clover Community Park Fieldhouse Project and Main Street revitalization were discussed, with more detailed updates expected in future meetings.
  • Progress on the sewer and lift station rehabilitation project was reported, with a pre-bid meeting scheduled for January 16.
  • The council received updates on various ongoing initiatives, including the African American Arts Exhibit, which debuted on January 9, and the upcoming Martin Luther King Day Parade.

Community Engagement

  • A reminder was issued for the “Love to Look” marathon on February 15, organized by Clover Rotary.
  • FEMA recovery efforts and a water and sewer rate study presentation were scheduled for later in January.

Executive Session

  • The meeting concluded with an executive session to discuss legal advice related to potential property purchases for recreation facilities.

The session adjourned with reflections on the productive discussions and a focus on the city’s upcoming initiatives.

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