SCDOT Seeks Public Input on York County Bridge Replacement Project

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is requesting public input on a proposed bridge replacement project in York County as part of the state’s long-term transportation improvement plan.

The bridge in question, located on SR-832 over a branch of the Catawba River, is currently closed due to structural deficiencies. The project aims to replace the aging structure, ensuring safety and accessibility for local motorists. The scope of work includes preliminary engineering, land acquisition, and construction, with an estimated total cost of $3.7 million.

State officials are pushing to secure funding for the bridge replacement by incorporating it into the 2024-2033 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is a federally required, multi-year program that outlines priority transportation projects across South Carolina.

SCDOT is accepting public comments on the proposal for a 21-day period from January 31 through February 20. Community members can provide feedback in several ways:

Online via the SCDOT website

Email at [email protected]

Mail to:

Ginny Jones, Public Involvement Director

SCDOT Public Engagement Office

955 Park Street, P.O. Box 191

Columbia, SC 29202

Public participation is a key factor in determining project funding and prioritization. SCDOT encourages residents and stakeholders to share their input on the bridge replacement to help shape the future of transportation infrastructure in York County.

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