February 5, 2024
FORT MILL, SC — Springfield Middle School teachers Gail Vawter and Logan Hudak have been selected for awards from the South Carolina Association for Middle Level Education.

Ms. Hudak was named the Regional Teacher to Watch for the Upper Midlands Region. The Regional Teacher to Watch award recognizes an educator for their dedication to and work with middle level students in South Carolina.
“Ms. Hudak understands the middle school child,” said Principal Christy Matkovich. “Ms. Hudak can reach those students that do not enjoy school or have had a bad experience with school until they walk into her classroom. If nothing else is accomplished, at least those students are seen laughing, enjoying their day, and making connections with adults and other students.”

Ms. Vawter was awarded the Dr. Randy Wall Distinguished Service Award. This award is presented to a person or group with a considerable, long term impact on the advancement of middle level education in South Carolina.
“Ms. Vawter has been one of the most influential teachers in the lives of middle school students that I have ever worked with,” said Matkovich. “She understands the needs of the students in the middle and places those needs first on a daily basis.”
Award recipients were nominated from peers across our state for their dedication to middle level education.Recipients will be recognized as part of the 46th Annual SCAMLE Conference March 1-3, 2024 in Myrtle Beach, SC.
SCAMLE is the only professional organization in South Carolina with a focus on middle grades schools/teachers/students. With nearly 200 member schools, the association’s mission is to ensure all middle level educators are provided with strong support and opportunities for growth and development.
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