Lancaster City Council Approves Budget Amendments, Police Promotions, and Drainage Project Changes

The Lancaster City Council convened on February 11, 2025, for its regular meeting, commencing with an invocation led by Mayor D. Alston DeVenny, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. A roll call confirmed the presence of Mayor DeVenny and council members Harris, Hood, Marsh, Miller, and Sowell.

Public and Employee Comments

There were no public or employee comments presented during this session.

Police Department Recognitions

Police Chief Don Roper introduced several promotions within the Lancaster Police Department:

  • Adriana Carrillo was promoted to Patrol Sergeant.
  • Randy St. Clair transitioned to Special Operations as a Detective.
  • Jesse Russo advanced to Detective Sergeant.
  • Kaitlyn Scolari was elevated to Corporal.
  • Alex Gainey was promoted to an unspecified position.

The officers reaffirmed their oaths of office in a public ceremony, accompanied by their families.

Approval of Minutes

The council unanimously approved the minutes from the January 28, 2025, regular meeting.

Financial Report for December 2024

Finance Director James Absher provided an overview of the city’s financial status as of December 2024:

  • The city anticipates being approximately $300,000 favorable following January’s tax collections.
  • Unrestricted cash reserves stand at 35% of the operating budget.
  • Hospitality tax revenues and water and sewer revenues are aligning with projections.
  • The Solid Waste Fund is performing better than the previous year, ending December with a $46,900 deficit, primarily due to capital purchases.

Taylor Street Drainage Project

Public Works Director Matt Beasley discussed a proposed change order for the Taylor Street drainage project. The modification involves installing an additional catch basin with an 18-inch diversion pipe to better manage water flow and prevent erosion. The council approved the change order, with the understanding that if Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding is not available, the city will fund the necessary adjustments.

Mid-Year Budget Amendment

The council conducted the second reading of Ordinance 25-01, amending the city’s operating budget for fiscal year 2024-2025. The amendment includes the addition of three grant-funded positions in the police department:

  • Community Liaison Officer at the rank of Sergeant.
  • Gang Investigator at the rank of Sergeant.
  • Police Department Grant Coordinator.

The council unanimously approved the ordinance.

Executive Session

The council entered an executive session to discuss a contractual matter. Upon returning to open session, it was noted that no action was taken during the executive session.


The meeting adjourned following a unanimous vote.

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