York County Council Projects Millage Revenue Growth, Discusses New Bridge Over Lake Wylie at Budget Workshop

Call to Order & Agenda Overview: The York County Council convened on March 11, 2025, for a budget workshop, with Chairman Cox calling the meeting to order. The council met in chambers to discuss budget priorities, upcoming budget meetings, and major funding considerations for the upcoming fiscal year.

Budget Process & Timeline: Budget Director Trish Startup provided an overview of the budget calendar. Key dates include:

  • March 21-22: County Council Retreat, focusing on revenue projections, capital projects, and fiscal year 2026 budget challenges.
  • April 8: Budget workshop dedicated to budget discussions.
  • April 21: FY 26 budget presentation by the County Manager, providing council members an early overview before the first reading.
  • May 13: Public hearing and workshop for outside agencies to present funding requests.
  • June: Final readings and approval of the budget.

Startup noted that all departments, outside agencies, and tax districts had submitted budget requests, and management was reviewing them. She emphasized that the new process involved budget presentations from department heads, aligning budget requests with the county’s strategic plan.

Revenue Projections: Kevin Madden, CFO and Assistant County Manager, shared preliminary revenue projections:

  • Anticipated 4-5% growth in countywide millage revenue, a slight decrease from the previous year’s 6% growth.
  • Deed stamps and building permit revenues continue to trend downward, indicating a potential slowdown in development.
  • The final revenue estimate will be determined in March.

Capital Projects Discussion: Council members discussed major capital projects, including:

  • Road improvements: The need for additional funding for infrastructure, particularly in high-growth areas.
  • Stormwater issues in Regent Park: Council considered setting aside funds for repairs identified in an ongoing study.
  • Parks and Recreation expansion: Potential investment in future park development to meet growing population demands.

Economic Development & Industrial Growth: Council members debated the merits of purchasing land for a countywide industrial park, inspired by successful models in neighboring counties. Concerns were raised about:

  • The role of the county in buying and developing land.
  • The use of Economic Development (ED) funds for infrastructure improvements rather than speculative land purchases.
  • The need for a long-term master plan to guide industrial and business park development.

Infrastructure & Transportation:

  • Council members discussed the possibility of a new bridge across Lake Wylie, citing increased traffic congestion and emergency detour needs. The issue was referred to the transportation committee for further discussion.
  • Improvements to Highway 49 and Highway 557 were proposed, including limiting curb cuts and adding turn lanes to improve traffic flow.

Legislative Priorities: A discussion was held about hiring a legislative liaison to advocate for York County’s interests in Columbia. Council members agreed this would be beneficial for securing state and federal funding opportunities.

Agriculture & Land Use:

  • Council members debated funding an agriculture education center to support 4-H and FFA programs, with concerns about cost and sustainability.
  • A proposal was introduced to explore a countywide agritourism facility as part of the Parks and Recreation strategic plan.

Next Steps: Council agreed to further discuss these priorities at the upcoming March 21-22 retreat, where more refined revenue projections and budget allocations will be presented. Staff will continue reviewing budget requests and provide recommendations for capital investments and strategic planning initiatives.

The meeting adjourned following a motion by the chair.



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