Lancaster City Council Approves Springs Mill Property Redevelopment and Annexation of Niven Road Parcel at March 11th Meeting

The Lancaster City Council convened on March 11, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting opened with an invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance. Council members present included Council Member Hood, Council Member Marsha, Council Member Miller, Council Member S, and Mayor Pro Tempore Harris.

The minutes from the previous meeting were presented for approval. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.

Red Rose Development Corporation Board Nominations:

The Council discussed nominations for new members to the Red Rose Development Corporation Board. The corporation’s bylaws allow for nominations from various entities, including the City Council, Lancaster County Economic Development Advisory Board, the Chamber of Commerce, and others, with each entity entitled to nominate up to three candidates. The current board members are Mr. James, Mr. Timman, Mr. Brian, and Ms. Thompson. Ms. Thompson submitted her resignation on February 18th. The board recently expanded from a four-member to a seven-member board and plans to vote for new members at the upcoming meeting on March 17th. The Council was encouraged to submit nominations promptly to facilitate the board’s expansion and upcoming retreat in April.

Brook Drive Culvert Replacement Project:

The Council reviewed a request for additional funding for the Brook Drive Culvert Replacement Project. The project requires additional work to address erosion issues and ensure proper water drainage on both sides of the road. The proposed work includes installing riprap to stabilize the banks and prevent further erosion. The Council expressed concerns about safety and the need for guardrails. The Department of Transportation has been consulted, and their evaluation is pending. A motion was made and seconded to approve the additional funding for the project. The motion passed unanimously.

Springs Mill Property Environmental Assessment & Redevelopment:

The Council discussed the status of the Springs Mill property, which was subject to a legal agreement in 2004 for demolition and cleanup. Due to unmet remediation obligations, the city filed a lawsuit in 2014, resulting in a court order on December 30, 2023, for the property to be transferred to the city. Once transferred, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) will be conducted. The Catawba Regional Council of Governments has secured a grant to perform this assessment. Mr. Taylor Lewis, the Brownfield Program Manager, explained that the Phase II ESA involves on-site soil sampling to identify contaminants and assess environmental conditions, which is essential for future redevelopment plans. The assessment is anticipated to cost approximately $90,000, with funding available through state and federal programs.

Lancaster City Council members voted Tuesday night to take over and redevelop the site of the former Springs Mill, which spans 35 acres between Old Landsford Road and Brooklyn Avenue.

Annexation Request:

The Council conducted the second reading of an ordinance to annex a 1.03-acre parcel located at the end of Niven Road. The property owners requested annexation to access city water and sewer services for the construction of a single-family residence. The parcel adjoins city limits to the west and northwest. The first reading was unanimously approved on February 25, 2025. A motion was made and seconded to approve the annexation ordinance. The motion passed unanimously.


The meeting concluded with expressions of gratitude towards city staff and a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.


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